A Hardcore Plank? The RKC plank!

Everyone in this day and age is looking for the next best exercise to help them get that six-pack they always wanted.  Although, there is no one exercise that will just automatically give you that, there is however better exercises to perform which work your ABS harder than others! 

Awhile back, I was introduced how to do a RKC plank (russian kettlebell challenge) plank.  First, I had to get into a regular plank position and then a few adjustments were made.  The first adjustment was to place my elbows slightly further out in front of me and closer together to increase the lever arm length and reduce the width of support.  I then had to lockout my knees by contracting my quads.  Finally, I had to contract my glutes as hard as possible and believe it or not, I was astonished by the little adjustments made but the incredible tension I was feeling all throughout my core! 

What you need to know:

1.)  Place your arms further out in front of you compared to regular plank 

2.) Narrow the base by placing elbows closer together

3.) Contract your quads

4.) Contract the glutes as hard as possible

5.) look down and keep the head and neck in neutral position

6.) Drive your elbows to tows

Highly and well-respected trainer Bret Contreras performed a scientific EMG study comparing the regular plank and the RKC plank.  Basically, an EMG studies which exercise contracts more of the selected muscle group and what muscles are really firing when doing an exercise.  In this case, we are talking about the core (ABS).  The RKC plank shattered the regular plank in all categories starting with the (Lower Rectus Abdominis) 33.5 compared to a 115.  The Internal oblique was 42.6 to a 99.5.  Next up is external oblique which was 26.7 compared to a whopping 104.  Lastly, the lumbar erector was 2.8 compared to 2.9.  As you can see from this EMG study done by Bret, the RKC plank contracts more core which in return will give you better results! 

Here is the Video:

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